All tutors are currently enrolled college students who pass a rigorous vetting process.
Every tutor applicant is reviewed and screened by the GoPeer Team. When evaluating tutors, we look for prior tutoring or teaching experience, subject expertise, and a desire to help other students.
Tutors go through a 6-step onboarding process
Academic screening
Experience check
Background check (details below)
Expert review
The Background Check includes the following
SSN validation
Address History
Driving records check (Motor vehicle records)
National and international employment verification
Sex offender registry check
State criminal records check
National criminal records check
Federal criminal records check
Global watchlist check
Country and federal civil records check
Academic requirements for tutors
Minimum GPA of a 3.5
AP exam score of ≥ 4
SAT score ≥ 1410/1600 ( 2000/2400)
ACT score ≥ 30/36
Payment Security
We use a very secure payment processing system called Stripe so your information is safe (Stripe is also used by Amazon, Lyft, Google, Spotify, Zillow, Yelp, OpenTable, Expedia, Kickstarter, Warby Parker, Slack, and many others). Stripe has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry.
To combat internet fraud and common scams, GoPeer uses HTTPS encryption on all pages where you submit personal information. This is a common practice on bank and credit card websites since it keeps your information safe when you use a wireless or non-encrypted network. As an additional level of security, we encrypt all personal information.
SMS Communication & Safety
We recommend verifying your phone number because you will be able to receive and respond to new messages from tutors as a secure text message (this makes communication significantly easier because you can send messages without going to the website). Your personal phone number will never be shared. We use Masked Phone Numbers to anonymize communication between multiple parties and hide participant phone numbers. Instead of dialing directly from phone to phone, users communicate via a third ('proxy') anonymized phone number that forwards a text message to the eventual destination. Your personal information is never shared.
Adherence to the GoPeer Honor Code.
Safety on GoPeer also includes protecting students and tutors from actions that might hurt their academic integrity. We stand by the GoPeer Honor Code and require our tutors and students to follow it.
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